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We have had many great adventures with our little Bugeye. We've driven it to many Conclaves and Enclaves, to other Healey events, and just some big road trips. All of these adventures have started in Cincinnati, Ohio. One of the first was driving up to Niagara Falls, crossing into Canada and driving it into Maine. We drove to Deadwood South Dakota and back and won the driving events while we were there. It's driven to the Healey Summit event that was in Newport, Rhode Island. It made a trip up to Traverse City, Michigan for a British car show. Our longest trip to date was driving the entire length of Route 66, up the Pacific Coast Highway, through the Giant Redwoods, and back on Interstate 80, over 6300 miles. Last year we went international! Last year we shipped our car to Norway for the European Healey meet and drove 2700 miles while there exploring Scandinavia. Nancy and I have absolutely loved road trips in this car and both agree that there's no car we'd rather be traveling in.
2024 European Healey Meet
Geiranger, Norway
This was probably the biggest adventure we could have imagined. We took our car to Savannah where it got on a ship and headed to Oslo, Norway. We then flew out to meet it and drove it to Geiranger for the 2024 European Healey meet. There were 30 cars from the USA that were shipped over and over 200 cars at the event from around the world. While there, we did win the best Sprite award. Then the American cars spent a month touring Scandinavia. We previously thought our Route 66 trip was the most beautiful, but Norway was amazing. Below is a video covering some of that adventure.
Route 66
This trip not only included all of Route 66, but the Pacific coast highway, the giant redwoods, and a return trip totaling over 6300 miles
The above video is our trip out to California.
Below are a couple pics of the way back.

Newport, Rhode Island
Healey Summit
We drove to Newport, Rhode Island for the New England Healey Club's Summit.
We had a great time at the event, we did the Rally, car show, funkhana, and gymkhana.
We ended up winning the funkhana and gymkhana.
We also got to meet Donald Osbourne who was very interested in our little Bugeye because he was working on something covering classic cars that get driven instead of just sitting in the garage.
With this and the Route 66 trip, our Bugeye drove to both coasts within a year!

Jake and Joyce's car wasn't ready for the trip so we let them compete in our happy little Bugeye. These are the ribbons our car earned at the event. We also stopped by to visit David aka BugeyeGuy.

Deadwood, South Dakota
Healey Conclave
We drove well over 1000 miles with a group from our local Healey club to Deadwood, South Dakota for an amazing Conclave.
At the event we participated in the rally, gymkhana, funkhana, and car show. Our car placed 1st in the gymkhana and the rally.
Because of my music work, we drove our Bugeye to the local airport after the event. We covered our baby for the week while we flew to Oregon to play music. Then we flew back and drove on our own back home. We got to drive across South Dakota where the speed limit is 80MPH and we ended up speeding for portions of it.

The most amazing rally we've ever participated in. The rally went through Custar State Park on the most incredible drive.

These burrows were also part of the rally.
The rally master was also smart enough to plan that we only focused on the competition for the rally going to and from the park. While in the park, we just enjoyed the driving.
On the way back home from Deadwood, we ran into a huge swarm of bugs as soon as dusk hit.
The complete trip was over 3000 miles.

The last night on the way back, we happened to stay in a hotel next to a Sears that was having a giant tool sale. I bought a whole shopping cart full of tools and managed to squeeze it in with three weeks of our luggage. The above video is unpacking. Below is what was in the car.
Maine is the other very long trip we made in our little buddy. Nancy's nephew was getting married in Maine not long before the conclave in Texas. Our plan was to drive the Bugeye up to Maine and then head down to Texas for the Conclave. This however was the one trip we had major issues on. We left Cincinnati and went up to Cleveland where we spoke with Dave about his idea of me taking over The Winner's Circle. From there we went up to Niagara Falls for a couple of nights. The we continued across Canada and into Maine. This is where things took a turn for the worse. Our Bugeye became unhappy just before we got into Maine. It still drove great, but was blowing a lot of smoke and fumes into the cockpit. We were able to still drive it into Maine, just with a lot more tears in our eyes. We thought we had blown a head gasket, so we had one shipped to the hotel we were staying in. We pulled the head off and, yep, blown head gasket. We got it replaced and enjoyed our time Maine. We then drove the car down the coast to visit Nancy's cousin in Rhode Island. We found out we hadn't fixed the problem. The car still drove fine, but we were getting smoked out of the driver's seat. Nancy and I would take turns driving so we didn't get fumigated too bad. With the AAA we had, we could get towed 100 miles, so we googled 100 miles from her cousin's place and called for AAA there. They towed us to the house and we enjoyed our time there while getting some parts sent our way. We eventually found a place in Rhode Island where you can rent time on a lift. We drove the car there with the parts we had and started taking things apart to diagnose the issue. We found that a piston was broken. One of the lands was broken. We called around and eventually found that Dave Giorgi had a piston that should work and he overnighted it to us. We spent the day enjoying more of Rhode Island and the next day got back to work. We received the new piston, got it in the car, buttoned everything up, and started it. It was making a terrible sound of something hitting. The shop was closing for the weekend and were only staying there to help us out. We told them to go home and pushed the car out. The last hope was that the noise was coming from the bottom end, maybe I did something wrong with the rod bearing. In the parking lot, we pulled the pan off and looked things over. No issue there. We determined that the piston we got to replace ours was a little too tall and was hitting. We buttoned things up and made our next plan. This was the first and only time Nancy had an issue. She had a headache all day and was under the car helping me put the pan back on and couldn't get the bolts to line up. It was just too much and she starting crying, saying "the bolts won't line up". I told her to go ahead and get up and I'd finish it. This is where we made our next plan...
We called our friends Gary and Paulette Lownsdale. Gary said he had an engine he was building and that he could get it together in a couple of days before he heads to Conclave. We could get our car to his shop and swap motors to drive our car to Texas. We relaxed a bit, rented a car, and went down to meet some friends in Connecticut for a couple of days and went to see the sights in New York City. While there, we got a call from Gary. It turned out that the wrong size pistons were sent to him for the motor so he couldn't build it. They had a backup plan, let us borrow Paulette's BJ7, Miss Piggy, and we drove that to Conclave and left our Bugeye at his shop. We rented a Uhaul truck and trailer and pulled the bugeye down to them. They towed a Healey boat and Gary's Bugeye to conclave in Texas while we drove Miss Piggy. When we got there, we traded and we did the event in Gary's Bugeye while they used Miss Piggy.
Although this trip didn't go anywhere near as origionally planned, we both agreed that if we knew things would turn out as they did when we left, we'd have still gone. There were some setbacks, but it was a great trip!

Other Adventures...
We've had many other adventures with our Bugeye. Here's some pics from some of those. Next year we have our biggest adventure yet. We're shipping him to Norway for the International Healey Meet!

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